Focus on Your Clients by Simplifying
the Rebalancing of Investment Portfolios
Automate your entire investment process using model management, rebalancing,
tax loss harvesting, direct indexing, ESG/SRI strategies and trade execution across all accounts
- Model Management
- Rebalancing
- Tax Loss Harvesting
- Direct Indexing
- ESG/SRI Strategies
- Trade Execution
Model Management
Enable financial advisors to create, maintain and manage an unlimited number of model portfolios
- Upload your own complex models
- Select from third party model and index providers
- Automate asset allocation throughout the entire life of an investment goal
- Implement risk-based solutions using customizable glide paths
- Assign models to accounts manually or automatically via APIs
Keep portfolios balanced with the types of securities that match your client's investment strategy
- Realign portfolios by automating highly customized, tax-managed accounts
- Configure rebalancing settings to align rebalancing outcomes with the needs of each client
- Review sophisticated tax aware solutions with wash sale compliance and monitoring
- Edit recommended trades according to your needs
- Generate cash for upcoming distributions
Tax Loss Harvesting
A configurable and customizable solution to maximize opportunities for each client
- Tailor client specific long term and short term capital gains tax rates
- Define advisor replacement securities
- Monitor wash sale compliance
- Report on tax loss harvesting for advisors and clients
Direct Indexing
Provide broad-based diversification and unlock the tax losses of individual stocks
- Automate direct indexing and seamless integrate with our OMS
- Enable smaller accounts through fractional share implementation
- Customize your direct indexes and include them in an investment model
- Maximize tax loss opportunities using sophisticated technology
- Personalize ESG/SRI preferences and portfolio solutions to your client's preferences
ESG/SRI Strategies
Cater to your socially conscious clients' preferences
- Create your own ESG/SRI indexes
- Ensure operational efficiency with mass customization
- Apply ESG/SRI tilts across numerous factors
- Implement direct indexing based on a client’s ESG/SRI preferences
- Sleeve custom direct indexing strategies within an investment mode
Trade Execution
Flexible and configurable proprietary order management system
- Experience full integration with our rebalancer and direct indexing engine
- Implement fractional shares
- Integrate seamlessly with Apex Clearing
- Trade, block, and allocate multiple accounts at once
- Analyze post-trade reconciliation and reporting
Build your own experience with our full API access
AdvisorArch was founded by three experienced Fintech veterans to simplify the implementation of mass customized portfolios. We do this by fully integrating model management, directing indexing and trading with features including TLH, ESG/SRI customization and automated rebalancing.